

1. The separation of nitric acid to extract gold the separation of nitric acid can be used, concentrated nitric acid into beakers, the need to extract gold into the metal into beakers. The Beaker is then placed on a beaker holder and heated with an alcohol lamp to produce flaky gold.

2. Aqua regia separation in addition to gold extraction, aqua regia separation is used. After mixing one part nitric acid and three parts hydrochloric acid into aqua regia, the metals that need to be extracted are put into aqua regia and filtered after the metal reaction is over. It is then heated and finally replaced with copper sheets, which can also be extracted from gold.

3. The H2SO4 separation method mixes H2SO4 and H2O4 in a ratio of one to one, then puts the technology needed to be refined into H2O4 solution, and waits for the end of the metal reaction, the yellow metallic object is gold.


The raw materials of gold extraction previously the raw materials of gold extraction mainly came from gold ore, gold-bearing ore mined from gold mines, which also contains other precious metals. As we all know, gold is widely used in electronic component, jewelry, batteries, medical film, wiring, etc. . So now electronic waste, jewelry waste can also be refined gold and other precious metals. Gold refining is the process of removing impurities from bullion or alloyed gold in batches to enable gold products to meet the quality requirements of gold trading standards.

When making powder or flakes, can use Hasung metal powder making machine and metal flakes making machine for gold refining purpose. After refining finished, use Hasung gold bar casting machine to get shiny gold bars.

Post time: Aug-28-2023